Fiona shares on some of the ways Human Design has impacted her own life that led to a commitment to this practice to support in creating change.

Audio episode!

by Fiona Bicknell, July 2024.






OK. Hello. Hello. Hello. I'm trying something a little different here. 

I have been thinking for a while about or, I've had the intention for a while that I want to start sharing more on Human Design. I do so much one-to-one work and it really just feels like it is the right moment to begin to share some of this information and this knowledge and this system with more people and more accessible ways and so. 

I have been contemplating for a while “what is the simplest way to do that? What is the most enjoyable way to do that? What is the way in which this information most might be most easily received?” And yesterday my splenic authority gave me the little hit that audio recordings is the way to go, so here I am - recording my first of what will hopefully be a series of introductory, foundational chats on all things Human Design and how it is that we can integrate it into our lives. 

I often come across or meet people who are really interested in the practice, and it is a system that has so much information that it can be somewhat overwhelming when you first come into connection with it, there is a lot of new language and terms. The chart itself is this strange combination of shapes and lines and numbers and planetary symbols. And yeah, it can feel sometimes like not the most accessible practice, and so my hope is that I can create something that helps deliver this information in a more easeful manner and gives people a bit of an opening or a starting point to delve into the practice. 

Something that I always try and share with people and always try to be upfront about is that I do believe that in order to get the most out of Human Design it does take a commitment of sorts. Because it is - it's this whole new system and language and mindset to learn for ourselves. So the more we can invest our time and energy in it, the more we get out of it. As with anything in life. 

So I do really see Human Design as being something for us to commit to. And I guess in this recording, what I want to share is a little bit as to why I believe it is something worthwhile committing to. And as I said at the top, to repeat again, my intention is to make that commitment as easeful as possible to provide the information in a way that it doesn't feel like this big, heavy undertaking, but actually feels like a really enjoyable commitment to the self, to learning about yourself. 


OK. So for those of you who don't know me, I think I should probably do a little bit of an introduction. If you have not worked with me before, I am Fiona. I am the founder of PORTER/11211. PORTER is a self development platform. I'm an integrated coach and I work one-to-one with a lot of clients in creative spaces, entrepreneurs. It's very I guess performance based in terms of my coaching style and the the type of dynamics that I work in. I am also a nutritionist, a personal trainer. I am a health coach and I teach some kundalini. I do Akashic records readings and then I have the Human Design practice. So PORTER is really the platform where I can bring all of these different aspects together - Everything that I've been studying and learning - and PORTER is really the place where I bring it all together. I'm working on creating offerings to help spread these practices and these teachings and this information. 

The ongoing mission is to find the wisdom and the knowledge that is to be preserved and to pass it forward in ways that help to create well-being and vitality. And for me that is very much rooted in ancient wisdom, in exploring all of the practices and teachings that have been around for thousands of years that are tried and tested, that have come before us and have carried the value to be preserved and to be passed on. And for me that is somewhat of an endless mission. This, this will never cease. It really feels like I've landed on the thing that fulfills me and drives me and that understanding has very much come from learning my Human Design. So that's who I am. That's what PORTER is and then I guess where I'm going to start is…


I'm going to talk a little bit today about my own experience of coming across Human Design and why it is that I chose to commit to this practice and led me to this point of sharing it with other people. I have a lot of reluctance when it comes to talking about my own personal experience, but the message I keep getting is “this is where you need to start". I do a Akashic readings and offer a Akashic guidance and this is really a practice where we're tuning into the energy around us, we're tuning into something that is beyond the conscious mind to receive guidance, something beyond our conditioning. The word Akash is a Sanskrit word. It originates from Hinduism and it really just translates to the ‘ether’. So receiving Akashic guidance is a practice of tuning into the ether and tuning in to what is available to us, something beyond the intellect and the logical mind that can guide us. 

And this is a practice that I use in my everyday. This is how I receive the guidance for how I run my business. The decisions I make in life, it it really is, yeah, the working with the Akash has come to be the way that I, the way that my life is informed. And the message that I keep getting when I'm asking about “how is it that I can best share information on Human Design?” is “share your own story”. And I really didn't want to. But then I was in New York a couple of weeks ago and I went to have an Akashic reading from the woman who first introduced me to the Akashic records and she said exactly the same thing. So I can't really avoid it. 

So I am pushing myself to get a little bit more comfortable with talking about personal things, because I could sit here and talk to you about Human Design for hours on end and I could go into every single detail of the chart. I can tell you all of the amazing things you're going to learn, but the the talking about my own experiences is a little bit of a challenge, so please bear with me. And in all honesty, I don't really know where this recording is going to go. I am someone that I have in my chart my my ideal way of communicating is really leaning into intuition and not having too much of a plan and not strategizing too much - and just trusting that if I allow myself to speak from intuition, then the words that will come through are the precise words that need to be heard. 

So let's see where this goes. I'm going to try and keep it under 30 minutes, though that is my aim, so it won't be too long or too heavy or too deep, and…


OK, so I'm going to I'll just start by talking about, I guess when Human Design first arrived in my life. It was in 2018 and it was a point in time where I was in a huge transition. All of the things in my life that gave me a sense of security were, yeah, there was total upheaval. They were all of a sudden removed. 

I previously worked in the fashion industry. I'd been working in marketing and branding with luxury fashion brands for nearly 15 years at that point and I just had this kind of like desperate internal feeling that I needed to break away and it wasn't necessarily that I needed to break away from the industry. I needed to break away from the way that I was working and the way that I was operating. My confidence was just in the drain it it, it's just like every day my confidence was getting worse and worse. My voice was getting quieter and quieter. The physiological symptoms I was having in my body were getting worse and worse, and it just. I knew it wasn't sustainable. 

So I quit my full time job without a plan in place. I didn't know what I was going to do and I had a relatively long notice period. I think had about two months from when I handed in my notice to when I left work, and in that two-month period, my housemate let me know that she was going to be moving in with her partner so it meant OK, my home situation was going to change and that lease ended up being up on the day like or a couple of days before I finished up my job. And then the week that I finished my job, my relationship ended, my long term relationship. 

So I had chosen to walk away from the job. But and even though there was a part like there's something in that that felt amazing. I was also scared. I was also nervous. I also felt like I was doing something irresponsible because I did not have a plan. 

And then walking away from my apartment, and then my relationship ending, which was not my choice, that the relationship was not something I wanted out of my life, and I was devastated, really, really heartbroken. So in the space of a week, I had these, these three key pieces of stability in my life, my, my job, my home, and my relationship - all of a sudden all gone. And yeah, I was in a total place of the unknown.

And there was something about it that did feel - under the the pain of the breakup - there was excitement and there was something that felt really liberating. But I was making myself wrong for some of the choices I had made, it was like, yeah, I was 31 years old, and I had these ideas in my mind of where I should be and what my life should look like and that I was irresponsible in some way and that I had somehow messed up. 


And that that's the point that Human Design kind of came along, and I say came along because it really did just show up. And one of the first things I ask people when I do readings and one of my first questions is always “what brought you here today?” Like, why this moment? And what I always receive from people is, oh, I'm in a real moment of transition and this kind of just landed in my lap. It just, just landed in front of me. It's like someone mentions it once and then it pops up somewhere else and then all of a sudden, like it presents in a way that you can't really ignore. 

It and it is very intuitive, when people are drawn towards Human Design it it really comes from this intuitive place. And I at that point I had just finished up full time work, I had a week before I was going away to Europe. It was a trip that I was supposed to be taking with my boyfriend, and then all of a sudden found myself going on this trip by myself. I'd put all my things in storage, and right before I left, I was invited to an event at the old Donna Karen store that was in the West Village - if anyone remembers it, in the Urban Zen store there was a space upstairs where they would host events, and Erin Claire Jones, who is another Human Design reader, was hosting a workshop there. And I knew at that point already a little bit about my chart. I'd spent some time kind of diving into it prior to this point, but I hadn't really gone deep and I hadn't really found the resources to help me understand it in the way that I needed to for it to have an impact. And then I got invited to that event and I was like, oh, it's that thing again, Human Design. 

So I knew that I was a Manifestor, but I didn't really know what it meant. And at the end of that workshop, I remember chatting to Erin and she just said “Ohh, you're a Manifestor - you need autonomy. You need freedom.” Like you've made the right choice. And it was as simple. It wasn't a long conversation. It was a very simple, brief, quick, like one line that hit my body in some kind of way that just put me at ease. And in the turmoil of that that period of time ease and peace was not something, definitely not something I was feeling and I just remember in that moment, feeling this sense of relief of like, “Oh my God. It's OK”. What I've what I'm doing is OK where I am is OK like more than OK actually this is what I'm supposed to be doing. 

And so in that sense, it offered permission, and this is the thing that I see Human Design provide for people over and over again - it is the permission to act on the things that you feel deep down, because a lot of the time when we learn our design, we're not really learning anything new. These are all things we know about ourselves. It's just we're hearing it offered to us in a way that gives us the permission to trust it. To trust that we don't have to operate like everyone else, we don't have to do all the things that we've been told that we should do, that there is a way that feels best for us and it feels best for a reason because that is how you're designed to operate. 

And not only did I come to realize I wasn't, it wasn't an irresponsible choice, I actually came to understand it was the most responsible choice that I could make, not only for myself, but for everyone that I'm in connection with. For me to be of greatest benefit and greatest service to the people I connect with and work with and the people I love and am in relationship with, the best thing I can do is to follow what feels true to me. That's what sets you up to have the most to offer. So yeah, Human Design was this like permission slip that gave me the confirmation that actually what I was choosing to do with my life was the most responsible thing I could do, and the way that I could provide the greatest benefit to others as well - to myself and to others. 

Yeah. So that that is, that was like my entry point, I guess. So that was the moment that I was like, OK, I'm going to dive into this like, this feels powerful. This feels useful. This feels like there's really something to offer like to be offered to me here. 



Yeah. OK. So maybe what I'll do. OK, let's. Let's just say I'm going to do three key things because I want to keep this under 30 minutes. Three key things that led to me committing to Human Design, or that Human Design offered that made it something that felt very worthwhile to commit to. 

So that's the first thing it offered permission. It gave me the permission to act on the things that feel most true to me that I had never received the messaging outside of me to tell me those things were OK, all those things were more than OK. They were essential. 

So that was the first thing. Freedom and autonomy is essential. That's the path I'm supposed to walk in order for, for me to fulfill the role of being a Manifestor. I must have freedom and autonomy, and I have taken this on board in the greatest way that I can. And everything I create my life now is built around this fundamental need of freedom and autonomy. And it doesn't have to look the same for everyone. It doesn't mean that every Manifesto needs a life that looks like mine and it is more a mindset and an approach more than anything else, and for me that means yeah, I don't really stay in one place for too long. I'm pretty I guess light on my feet for this period of my life. It's like I I travel quite a bit. I move around quite a bit. I work for myself and I don't ever set my schedule more than a month in advance. I and the way I work with all of my clients is really fluid. We make sure that there's room for things to shift and change. 

And, yeah, that’s, that's what I live by. Like, that is really how I, you know, I incorporate these this approach of freedom and autonomy into every area of my life in the in the greatest way I can, because I know that is what sets me up for success now. And I know that that is what feels best in my body and therefore creates the greatest well-being for myself. 


OK. So three things, that's the first permission, second thing. 

Let's see. One of the biggest things that I have received from learning my Human Design is the ability to speak up, the ability to use my voice, and this is very much tied to my energy type of being a Manifestor. What I'll share here though will is actually true for Manifesting Generators as well. So one of the key things I learned early on was that as a Manifestor there is a pressure on my voice. 

So when you look at your chart, you will notice you have some energy centers - which are the shapes - some of them will be colored in. We call these defined centers. The defined energy centers are the types of energy in your system that are very consistent and reliable, that the body is producing in a very consistent manner. 

The Energy centers that you see in white, we refer to as undefined centers. These are the types of energy in your system that are a little less reliable, where you have inconsistency perhaps or where you are more open and receptive to taking on outside energy. 

It's the combination of definition in your chart that determines all of the key factors and key properties of your design. So being a Manifestor, every Manifestor will have a defined Throat center, so a very consistent, reliable energy source within the Throat, within our communication. And that Throat center will be connected to what we refer to as a motor center. There are 4 motor centers in the chart. The Ego (sometimes referred to as the Heart), which is the energy of willpower. This is like a an internal drive and a motivation. The Solar Plexus, which governs the energy of emotions. This gives an emotional drive. It gives, It’s like emotions as a fuel source in this context. Next, the Root center, which is the center of pressure and stress. This creates a pressure in the system that drives us into action. And then the the Sacral center, which is pure creative life force energy. And Manifestors will all have an undefined Sacral but Manifesting generators will have a defined Sacral. So any Manifestor or Manifesting Generator will have one of those four energy centers I just mentioned connected to the Throat. 

And what this does is it creates an internal pressure on the voice. It is energy that is being created in the system that is driving up towards the Throat and it needs an outlet. It is consistent, strong, reliable. Therefore it is consistently being produced this energy. Therefore, it consistently needs an outlet. It always needs somewhere to go. It is always looking for somewhere to go. And what we can do, we can look at our chart and we can explore which channels connect to the throat to understand how that energy wants to be used. What, what our voice wants to be speaking on and talking on. 

And before I learnt my Human Design, I was not someone who spoke up. I really wasn't. 

I may have come across as a somewhat confident person and I was, I had a lot of confidence in certain areas. I had the ability to speak on things in certain areas but it was very much intellectually driven. It was, I was comfortable talking on, let's say, certain things in my job. If I had the analytics and the data behind me to back something I was comfortable speaking - when I kind of knew what someone wanted to hear. And it was, that was largely unconscious, it wasn't like I was intentionally just people pleasing and saying what I thought people wanted to hear. It was just the, the comfort I had in using my voice was only when I wasn't like ruffling feathers. 

Speaking my opinion or giving - it wasn't an expression of self, it was, it was purely just in saying the words that I thought were well received by others or that others wanted to hear. 

It was a small space. It was making myself small and actually biting my tongue on all of the things that I really wanted to be saying, but I didn't even know I wanted to be saying these things because I couldn't access that part of self. 

And learning about this aspect of the Manifestor chart has been something that has created a harmony in my body that is kind of unexplainable. 

And there aren't really words to describe the relief and the peace and the ease and the flow that is felt when I set myself up to have a consistent outlet for my voice in the way that it wants to be used. 

And for me, there's, you know, there's this connection to my Spleen center, which is instincts and intuition - which connects through to my Root, which connects through to my Ego center. A lot of what wants to come through me is very much speaking from intuition, very much speaking through picking up on energy. 

For those that are deeper into the Human Design practice, I have the 48/16 channel. Then I have the 44/26 channel - speaking on what it is, you know the opportunities that I see available to people. And and then I also have the 17/62 channel, which is is a a channel of opinion. This is speaking, giving my opinion on things and it is very much an energy that is here to teach and energy that is here to share knowledge, to share these big concepts and offer them in easily digestible manners. And all of those things were all of the things that I was terrified to speak on previously. 

I remember being at university and for my undergraduate studies, I did a Creative Arts degree, but I did a lot of, a lot of my subjects were focused around philosophy and art history and gender studies and I, I loved every second of what I was learning in those classes, but I was mute. I sat in those classes in silence and I froze when it came to writing my essays, because everything I was being graded on was my opinion and I couldn't do it, I really couldn't do it. I had so much fear around sharing my voice, and this is really common for Manifestors, that the conditioned state and the shadow side of the Manifestor energy is to play small. Because Manifestors have this kind of bold energy, right. There's there's a, kind of an intensity to the energy of a Manifestor. They are designed to be the people who are here to speak up, they're here to speak in a way to provoke. They're here to initiate change. And what creates change? Discomfort. 

And therefore there's this kind of inner knowing that when I speak up, it's like I'm going to make people feel something, and that isn't always going to be a good feeling. I'm going to push up, what I have to share is sometimes going to make like, force people to be pushed up against the edge of something and, yeah, being that person, the conditioned state is, it's often seen as if you were that person then you are too much. You're intense. And and that you're going to be rejected and that you're going to be alone. And you're not going to fit in, and that's terrifying, especially when we are young. And so the conditions state, or the strongest kind of shadow aspect for Manifestors is, is that at some point along the way, they learn to play small. They shrink this energy and they bite their tongue and they mute their voice. 

And that was very much the state that I was living in. And that is through, you know, it's no one's fault. It's not like anything happened to cause that. This is the nature of the world we live in our, our brain operates in such a way that we are easily conditioned. 

And so yeah, learning my Human Design gave me the ability to begin to speak up more, and it has not been an easy process. It's been a slow process. I'm like, yeah, six and a nearly 6 1/2 years into first coming across Human Design and I, I'm still learning how to make my voice bigger. I'm still learning how to give myself the outlets that it needs. But what I want to share on this point is the physiological impact this teaching has had on my system. On my body, on my health. Once I started giving myself an outlet for these things to be shared, the harmony that I feel in my body is like something I'd I had never experienced. 

I am someone who had a polycystic ovaries diagnosis when I was a teenager and was challenged for decades with various hormonal conditions and symptoms. I suffered from acne. I struggled with, I mean, just a lot of pain and a lot of discomfort and struggled to manage my weight. And I'm not saying that Human Design was the sole thing that eased all of those symptoms and helped me overcome all of those challenges, but it has played a huge role. And it has not, it has not come about by addressing the symptoms, it has come about by understanding my energy and what my energy requires to be in balance and when it is in balance, everything is given a better opportunity to operate as it is designed to do so, every system of the body. 

And yeah, the physiological impact that I have seen from these simple - or maybe not so simple - these simple teachings that perhaps aren't so simple to implement, but yeah, it's it's given me harmony and balance in the body that I previously couldn't have imagined was possible, especially given all of the challenges that I faced. 

OK, so that's that's my second take away. Second reason to commit. And even though I'm speaking about what has been offered to me as a Manifestor, for every Energy Type, there is guidance for you to understand what it is your body needs to have to receive and create harmony. 

And so, first reason to commit - permission to live life in the way that you want to live life. Second reason to commit - guidance on what it is that your body needs to receive to create harmony and greater health and well-being. 


UM. Shit I'm already at almost 30 minutes. OK, look, one, let me do one more point quickly, OK? 

The The G Center, which is a somewhat ridiculous name. I understand. But OK, the G Center is the diamond that you see in the middle of the chart. This is the energy of self-expression. Governs our identity and sense of self. I have an undefined G center. An undefined G center represents someone who has a forever fluid and changing sense of self. 

We often get this message that, like we're supposed to figure out who we are, and once we know who we are, we stick with it. Like the older you get, the clearer you get on who you are. And it's just like, that's just then how the person you, you be in the world from that point onwards and you're just getting closer and closer to this one understanding of who it is that you are designed to be in the world and how to express yourself in the world, and I really struggled with that. 

I think the older I got, the more I actually just felt confused about who I wanted to be because it just felt like it was continuously changing. It meant that in certain, when I'm in certain environments or around certain types of people, there's certain parts of me that come forward and then in other environments I feel like a completely different person. And then I would go through phases where I want to express myself in this way And I want to like throw all of my energy into committing to this thing or this trajectory and then I hit a point where I'm like, OK, I'm done with that identity. I want to dress in a different way. I want to, I want to present myself to the world in a different way, and I used to make myself wrong for it. I used to think it was this way of people pleasing or it was me just pretending to be someone I'm not or being lost and not knowing who I was in the world. 

And learning that I'm not supposed to ever land on one fixed identity has actually been incredibly freeing as well, and more so than freeing it, it is something that is really fun. It's something that brings a huge amount of joy to my life and a huge amount of excitement because, because, it’s like, Oh my God, who am I going to be next? What do I get to be next? It's like I get to live all of these different identities. And it almost turns into a guidance system. It is something that we can place our trust in that if I am being pulled towards a new self-expression, I can trust that there is something in it. For me, it is my body's way of guiding me towards opportunity. If I want to present myself to the world in this way - it, it's for a reason, I can trust it. So yeah, it becomes another form of guidance and it just overall becomes fun. 

And one of the other shadow aspects of an an undefined G center - So like I said, I made myself wrong for or I doubted myself for wanting to be all of these different versions of self and having all of these different identities. So that's one kind of shadow, but the other shadow is we because we feel so unclear on who we are, we we attach ourselves to another person's identity. And it becomes this constant seeking for the self in another. And it really leads to disappointment. And I can tell you that from personal experience. That relationship that I had end in 2018, that was a relationship that I, I very much identified with him, I came to understand my identity as being tied to him and who he was in the world because my sense of self was forever changing and he was someone that had a defined G center, a defined identity, a fixed way of expressing himself. And so I attached my identity. 

Yeah, it doesn’t, it doesn't help anyone. So the shadow side of the the undefined G center can play out as this constant seeking of the self in another that sets us up for disappointment and it sets us up to be really hard on the other person as well because we we are counting on them to fulfill our sense of self and when they mess up, my goodness, it it's like, “Oh my God, that means something about me and who I am in the world as well.” Or when they do something that I don't like, or they behave in a way that I don't want to see myself in that way, I'm so connected and so attached to this person's identity that I can't separate and see that that doesn't mean anything about who I am and the person I want to be, and it creates a huge amount of tension. 

And so also learning about the undefined G Center has helped me get rid of that shadow and free that part of self that was really not helping me and not helping the people that I was in connection with. 


UM. Yeah. So OK to sum up three reasons that I believe or three reasons why I have committed to Human Design for myself:

Number one, it gave me permission to be who I want to be in the world.

Number two, it taught me what it is that my body needs to feel in harmony and gave me the the courage to act on it. 

And three, it has helped me understand that there is nothing wrong with the way that I express myself and that I don't have a fixed identity. 


And then overall, I would just say that, I mean, all of, all three of those things - and any aspect that you learn about yourself in Human Design - what all of it is doing is building self-confidence. And I am someone who is a big believer that confidence and sense of value is at the root of everything that we create in our life. Everything that we have the ability to create. Everything that we want to call in, everything that we want to create, any goal that we have, anything that already exists in our life is all a result of what we believe about the self, how valuable we see ourselves to be in relation to the thing that we are looking to create. 

And and I can say, wholeheartedly, Human Design has built my confidence more than anything else, and I have seen it offer the same thing to so many people, to my clients, to my friends. And yeah, I I really do believe that any aspect of the chart that you learn has the ability to offer you huge boosts in self-confidence, which sets us up to be of greater service in the world. 

And I believe that that's what we're all here to do, is to be a service in the greatest way that we can. And when we do, that is when we create the greatest fulfillment and when we receive the greatest abundance in return. And Human Design really is a system that is built upon this idea of service. It is built upon the idea that we are all designed to be of service in our own unique way. 

And to learn your chart, to learn your design is to set you up to to offer that service in the greatest way that you can, and therefore in return you create the greatest abundance and it all comes down to having the confidence to do it and the confidence to act on it. And yeah, I believe that is a huge reason to commit to this practice.


OK, I'll leave it there. Where are we? 36 minutes. OK, to just wrap up, if if Human Design does feel of interest and you do want to go a bit deeper and start exploring more of these teachings - I have set up a section on my website that I'm calling like a ‘reading room’, where I'm I'm just writing some articles and I’m, I'm going to be sharing more there on some of the foundational elements of this practice. I’m hopefully going to write some pieces around helping you to understand the chart and actually learn some of the language and those sort of basics around the system and then also sharing some articles on how we can integrate the practices into our day-to-day, what it looks like in practice in real life. 

I then have custom reports that are available. These are called the FOUNDATIONS reports and they cover all of the foundational elements of Human Design. 

These are reports that I've written myself and they are automated, so when you put in your details it is available to purchase instantly and it will populate all of the information that correlates just to your chart. And I call them the FOUNDATIONS because to me these are, there's eight aspects that I cover in the FOUNDATIONS reports, and these are the aspects that, to me, are the most fundamental pieces to learn about your design. If you learn nothing else about Human Design and you just take that report away, I feel incredibly confident it has, that information has the potential to change your life for the better. It has done it for me and I've seen it work for so many of my clients. 

And yeah, my intention with those reports was to create the most in-depth information available, so each report is somewhere between 100 and 120 pages, and then there's prompts throughout to help you, like journaling questions to help you integrate some of the information as well. 

And and then I also offer human design readings, which you can book on the website, and then finally, wherever you happen to be listening to this - I don't actually know where it's going yet - but wherever you happen to be listening this to this, I am going to be doing more recordings that will not just be about me, that is not the intention. I'm starting here because that's the guidance I received, was to start on sharing some of my own experience, but I will be making some more recordings about some of the fundamental like foundational aspects of Human Design to offer people guidance on how they can use this information in their day-to-day. 

If you have any feedback, if you have anything you want to share with me, please, please, please send me a DM on Instagram or yeah, drop me a message and if you have questions around like if there's anything that you would like me to speak on or like me to make a recording on, please do send it my way. I would love to have some, yeah questions to respond to always feels great. 

I hope that this was in some way useful and I'm sending so much love. 



Dive Deeper.


To learn more about your unique chart, our FOUNDATIONS reports - written by Fiona Bicknell - offer more than 100 pages of insight into the foundational elements of your design. One-to-one private chart readings are also available to be booked at the link below.


