When exploring the definition of the word ‘flow’ we are offered many explanations -the act of moving along in a steady, continuous stream' (Oxford), 'to proceed smoothly and readily’ (Merriam-Webster), ‘to move in one direction, especially continuously and easily' (Cambridge). 

For a moment, just feel into this concept - of being carried along with ease - and apply it to any situation, goal or dynamic you may currently be facing. How might the experience be different if it came with a greater sense of flow? 

Read on below to understand why learning your Human Design can be a key to creating greater flow. 

by Fiona Bicknell, July 2024.




Though Newton’s laws, as we now know, weren’t all perfect, there is one I carry with me at all times in relation to the body and the energy of the self. This is the third law: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

It can serve us all well to move through the world with a lens of seeing everything as being a constant exchange of energy. The person and form that is you is entirely made up of minuscule vibrating particles of energy. There is nothing solid about you. Your physical form, just like every other physical being or object, exists in relation to the energy around it - the energy of other people, of your environment, and the energy that makes up the rest of this largely unknown universe we find ourselves in. You, yourself, are a reaction, moving through the world forever reacting. 

In this context, Human Design serves as a tool to help us understand how it is our unique energy reacts. This is a practice that sets us up with the guidance to be able to truly see ourselves as the energy that we are - how it operates, how it responds, and what it requires to be kept in balance and harmony. It is in this understanding of self that we are offered great opportunity to achieve flow. 




The Human Design chart offers up a manual to the energy of your body. It is unique to you. The ‘definition’ of your chart (every part that is ‘colored-in’, representing a strong source of energy) determines the key properties of your design. The volume of insight available from your chart is almost endless, with each aspect offering guidance that can support you to create more alignment and flow. Though by simply just focusing on the three most foundational properties - the Energy Type, the Strategy, and the Authority - we can access significantly increased flow in our days.




Each Energy Type has a differing aura - a way in which the energy around the body uniquely interacts with the outer world. This understanding can give us great insight into what is then required to reduce resistance as we move through the world. 

Generators and Manifesting Generators have what we refer to as an open aura - imagine this as having the particles of energy around the body quite free and spread out, making it easy to connect with the energy around you. This creates a very warm, welcoming aura, magnetizing things into your field to respond to (activating your Strategy of ‘to respond’). 

For the Projectors among us, the aura is penetrating, or sometimes referred to as focused or  absorbing. What this means is that all energy surrounding the body draws toward one focal point that connects deeply into the energy of another or an environment and takes on this outside energy to create understanding. This sets you up to best operate through invitation - your Strategy. The trust and recognition required to receive an invitation is built through deeply focusing on the energy of another or an opportunity that you feel your energy pulls you toward. 

As for the Manifestors, they have what is referred to as a closed or repelling aura. Operating in quite the opposite manner to that of the Generator’s open aura. The Manifestor aura is dense and not as easy for others to connect with. This creates the Strategy of ‘to inform’, as Manifestors must be the initiators in their dynamics and opportunities. 

Finally, Reflectors have what we call a sampling aura, sometimes also described at filtering. This energy acts as a bit of a protective barrier, allowing the Reflector to effectively sample all the energy they come into contact with, without creating overwhelm. This leads them to be able to fulfill their role of being a non-judgmental mirror to others. 

Understanding the way each aura operates, sets us up to better integrate our Strategy into our day-to-day, ultimately leading to greater flow. It is by leaning on the Authority that we can be guided as to when to put our Strategy into action. The Authority will tell the Generators and Manifesting Generators which ‘energy’ or opportunities to respond to. The Authority will guide the Projectors toward which invitations are most aligned for them. The Authority will provide clarity to Manifestors on that which they are to inform upon. And, finally, the Authority will gently push the Reflectors toward the spaces and connections where their gifts are best utilized. 

It is when we learn to integrate these fundamental teachings of the Human Design practice that we best set ourselves up to access all of our greatest gifts and strengths, once again, facilitating greater flow. 

To go deeper into your Strategy and Authority, explore our FOUNDATIONS reports, offering in-depth guidance to support you to implement these teachings across all areas of life. 



Dive Deeper.


To learn more about your unique chart, our FOUNDATIONS reports - written by Fiona Bicknell - offer more than 100 pages of insight into the foundational elements of your design. One-to-one private chart readings are also available to be booked at the link below.


