Fiona talks a little on the idea of the ‘self-image’ - how who we see ourselves to be in the world can shape our reality. Each Energy Type is covered with a suggested view of self to ‘try on’ to expand belief in our capability and who we are here to be in the world.

Audio Episode!

by Fiona Bicknell, August 2024.






Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. I am going to talk a bit today about the idea of self-image and how is that Human Design can help us to consciously create a self-image that may be most aligned for us and help guide us in a particular direction to create health and well-being and vitality and success and abundance and all those lovely things. 

So I'm going to start, first of all, just by talking a little bit about this idea of the self-image. And there's a quote here that I always come back to. It's from Bob Proctor. He says:

“Science and psychology have isolated the one prime cause for success or failure in life. It is the hidden self-image you have of yourself.”

I'm going to say it again. 

“Science and psychology have isolated the one prime cause for success or failure in life. It is the hidden self-image you have of yourself.”

So there's a few key things I want to pull out there. First of all, “the one prime cause for success or failure”, you get to decide what equals success or failure. I truly believe success is whatever feels like success for you, not what someone else tells you equals success. 

The interesting parts that he notes here, “the ONE prime cause”, he says this is the ONE prime cause because if we look at the reasoning behind anything not going the way that we want it to, if we trace it back and trace it back and we we try and get to the root of where we went wrong. Oftentimes it is a belief that we have about ourselves. It is a way that we see ourselves in the world. We don't see ourselves as being successful or being able to create success as something we don't see ourselves as being worthy as something we don't see ourselves as being the person that gets to receive the thing that we are seeking to receive. 

And so he says, this is the one prime cause because it's it's like the root cause, it's the cause that lives at the root. 

And then the other really key part of that quote is that he referenced it references it as the HIDDEN self-image you have of yourself, that oftentimes who we believe ourselves to be in the world is something that has been processed and placed down in the subconscious mind. And therefore this isn't really running in our conscious awareness. If we have these limiting beliefs of self or we if we have a small self-image, a self-image that doesn't align with the goals that we're going after, oftentimes we're not even aware of it. 

Actually, this brings to mind another quote that I always love to go back to, which is a Carl Jung quote, he says:

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

So there are all of these programmed beliefs about the self that are running in our subconscious and we're making decisions from this subconscious place like 85-95% of the time, and because we're not aware of it, there's a tendency for us to even believe that's just our fate. 

And I am someone who believes in fate, by the way. But I think that the subconscious can often be …exactly what this quote is saying - the decisions we make for ourselves based on our subconscious beliefs can often be mistaken as our fate, mistaken as destiny. Mistaken as like just what's meant to be. 

And so how do we change the self-image? Or how do we create a self-image that we want or that works for our goals that we have? 

I often approach this from thinking about how we want to override the programming that's in the brain. If you think of the mind as being like a a system of software that it is programmed, we want to kind of overwrite the programming that sees us in the world in one particular way, and we want to consciously choose how it is we want to see ourselves. 

And the way that we change our subconscious beliefs is through repetition. We want to repeat, repeat, repeat. So the more that we can focus on seeing ourselves in a new way, the more the more we can feed in information - feed in visuals, things like mood boards like vision boards. This is why they work for some people. Just sitting in meditation and visualizing or journaling and writing about what you want something to look like or who you see yourself to be. 

Or one of the biggest things we can do is taking action from a new place, taking action in a way that “if I was actually this person, if I actually believed I was the person who's supposed to be XYZ in the world, what action would I take?” And then we go and do that thing and when we do that thing we often are received in a different way. We often are, you know, the response we get from other people is different from what we have previously been experiencing because we're presenting ourselves in a new way. And the more we do these kinds of things on repeat, the more we can show ourselves or the more we can reprogram those subconscious beliefs around who it is that we are in the world. 


And OK. And then how Human Design comes into this, the, the the way that I actually landed on this topic for today is through a post. It was a reel of Oprah speaking that the lovely Brooke Baldwin shared. Brooke, if you're listening. Thank you. Thank you for sharing. And. And she, in this in this video, Oprah is saying it's not about…that to find our path, it's not about saying, “God, help me create this path”. It's about saying, “God show me the path”. And when I say God, it doesn't mean a Christian God. It doesn't mean a Catholic God. It's whatever your faith system may be. I think that anyone who's likely listening to this will probably be in agreement that there is some kind of power that is greater than humans on this planet. We might not know what it is, but whatever that might be for you, God, universe, angels, guides Mother Nature, the cosmos, whatever it may be, that when we surrender, we are, we are kind of shown the path. And one thing in particular that Oprah said in this video, she said, "show me what I am designed to do", show me what is in my design for this this life that I'm living, what am I designed to deliver while I'm here on this planet? 

And this is where, for me, Human Design has just been one of the most powerful pieces of guidance to help show me that it's not about me deciding this is what I want to create, coming from my ego and this conditioning of what I believe is going to make me feel good or what I believe success to be, or what I've been taught success is. It's coming from this more energetic space of just like “you tell me what I'm supposed to like, who I'm here to be. You show me who I'm here to be.” 

And nine times out of ten, when we dive into our design and we start to learn about who it is, we're designed to be, that self-image that is created is far bigger than what we ever believed that we were capable of. So much of our conditioning and so much of the messaging from our collective instills fear. It makes us feel small. It makes us feel like we're not enough. And so when we dive into practices like Human Design - I'm not saying it's only Human Design - that offers this, there’s so many different systems of self development that can provide this kind of guidance and access. 

But when we start to learn our design, we are shown the ways in which we, yeah, are so much more capable than maybe we believed we were, or that we have a much bigger purpose on this planet than maybe we were led to believe that we do. 

So I'm going to just do a really short like a top line. I'm going to go through each of the Energy Types and give one key insight from each energy type that gives you a bit of an insight of who you are here to be in the hope that maybe hearing this helps to shift your own self-image in some capacity to see yourself as capable of more or and to hold yourself, to hold your image of yourself in the world, ah bigger. 

OK. And the Energy Type, by the way, is just one part of this practice. It's like the more you dive into all of the different aspects, the more you're going to create like a 360 view of who you are here to be in the world. And but the Energy Type is our starting point. The Energy Type for anyone new to Human Design is and the place we begin, in terms of understanding ourselves and our energy and who we are designed to be. 

So I'm gonna go through in the order that I always do, but as a reminder, there is no hierarchy in any of the Energy Types. This is just how it lives in my brain. 


So starting with Manifestors. The line I have for you here is:

You are here to be the first. 

Manifestors are our initiators. Manifestors are the people who are here to show us something new, something we haven't seen before. And you might do this in small ways in your day-to-day, or you might be someone that comes into this world and build something that we've never seen before. 

The key thing to know is you are here to be the first. You are not here to fit in. You're not here to play small. You're not here to try and emulate others. You're here to do things that we've never seen before. You're here to bring something new and what that often means is discomfort. It means rejection. It means feeling misunderstood. It means really feeling like you're standing out all on your own at some points. But when we, if we can recognize this, that you are here to be the first, all of those challenges that go along with it, the feeling alone, the feeling misunderstood and the feeling like I'm rejected because, you know there will be people that don't get it, that don't see what you see. So you are going to be rejected more than the average person. That's kind of part of being a Manifestor - I say that as a Manifestor myself - that all of those things that possibly happen to you regardless, like you might experience those challenges, whether you see yourself as being like this person that's supposed to initiate or not. Once we have this understanding of like “ohh that is my design”. All of those challenges become so much more, so much easier to manage and easier to integrate and easier to deal with that uh, that's just part of it, because that's OK. I'm here to be the first and not everyone's going to see what I see and not everyone’s going to understand what I'm putting out into the world, but trust that the people that are that are meant to understand it, they will understand it. Like the people you're meant to speak to, you will connect with them. They will find you. 

And, so yeah, this is just the, the line for Manifestors in creating a new self-image is just:

You are here to be the first. 

So what changes for you if you accept that as truth? What changes for you if you allow yourself to take that on as a part of who, who you see yourself to be in the world? 


OK. The next one, projectors. And this is kind of a two parter. 

You are here to guide us, and you are not designed to do all the doing. 

You are here to be a guide. You don't need to worry about the follow through. So Projectors have this innate ability to be able to see the how, how to get from point A to point B. So if the Manifestors come in and they're like, I'm initiating everyone into this new thing, the Projectors are like, oh, here's how. Here's how we do it. Here's how we get there. 

And this could be true for an individual. You see how an individual can get from point A to point B. It could be true for a small group or a community or workspace, and it could be true for the collective. For these for bigger, broader groups of people, for how it is we get from point A to point B. 

But you are not designed to have to do the doing and where a lot of Projectors can get tripped up is they feel like they are not enough because they can't keep up with the people around them. They can't keep up with the doing the doing, or they burn out with doing all the doing or they find that it's not enjoyable to do all the doing. 

And that's just purely because you're not designed to. So what happens when you allow yourself to hold a view of your role in the world as being the guide? You are here to guide us, not to execute. Just to show us how. 

What changes in the way that you see yourself, what changes in the the actions that you take, what do you do differently? When you allow yourself to take on this image of, I am a guide. I am here to guide others. 

And intuitively, something might just come to mind here for you. Something might just come forward in listening to this that is “Ohh that's that's my direction. That's where I'm going to head. If I allow myself to to see myself as this person in the world, here’s my path or my next step”. 

You might not have the whole path, but maybe the next step.


OK. Moving on, we have Generators next. 

Generators. You are here to uplift and magnetize. 

Generators have this kind of energy that, yeah, it's uplifting. It boosts us. It brings us joy. It brings us lightness. And and when you allow yourself to follow this, when you allow yourself to see your role like that, how important this role is in the collective - we all need to be reminded of joy, we all need to be reminded of lightness, we all need to be lifted up. 

And as a Generator, you do this without trying. And how it happens is you follow the things that spark your own joy, that you follow the things that light you up inside, and by default you end up offering this to everyone else. And it creates this kind of magnetism that draws people towards you, that draws opportunities towards you. And yeah, it makes your energy really attractive. 

And this puts you into your Strategy of ‘to respond’ - that you never need to be initiating things or forcing things or controlling or chasing after things. You will magnetize things towards you to respond to when you allow yourself to take on this role of being a person who is here to uplift us, of being someone who is here to remind us of the joy of life. 

But the only way that you can do that is if you offer that to yourself first. So once again, what happens if you allow yourself to take on the self-image of “I am someone here to lift others up. I am someone here to uplift and magnetize”? 

What do you do differently? What action might you take? What becomes clearer about your direction in life if you are to own that role and that self-image to see yourself in the world as someone here to uplift? 


OK, next is Manifesting Generators. And what I've just shared about Generators in large part applies to Manifesting Generators as well. You have this same kind of Sacral driving energy that is all about following the things that uplift you, following the things that light you up. 

But the piece I'm going to focus on here for Manifesting Generators is;

you are here to be unconventional. 

You're not here to lead a life that follows a pre-prescribed path. You are not here to do things in the way that we have been taught to do things. You are not here to follow the rules of society. You are here to be unconventional. 

And that means unconventional in career, that means unconventional in the way you approach family, in the way you approach your social life, in the way you approach your health and well-being, in the way you approach your role within the community. 

All of it, all of it. You're you're just not designed to have to follow things in the way that you've been told you should. You're here to do things your way, to be unconventional.

So if you take on this self-image of “I am here to be someone who is unconventional, I am here to show others there is a different way of doing things”,  what opens up for you? What might you be doing differently in life? 


OK. Then finally we have reflectors. And Reflectors are designed to be at the center. The center of their communities, the center of their social circles, the center of their vocational roles. 

And they are here to show us, to mirror back to us what is happening within our environments, within our collectives, within our social circles. They are here to be the ones that carry this deep, deep understanding of what is, what is really going on, what are we all not seeing. And they mirror that back to us. And so they're designed to be at at the center of all of the spaces that they find themselves in. 

So as a Reflector, what does it feel like to take on this self-image that it is okay to want to be at the center? It is not ego driven. It is not me wanting to be the center of attention. It is me taking on my correct role. That that is where I can best do my job. That is where I can best fulfill my responsibility to all of the people that I'm in connection with. When I am at the center it means I get the the best picture of what is going on, I have the greatest sense of understanding of what people need, what people need to know, and of where we're going wrong. So I can show people where they need to course correct. I can show people what needs to be changed. 

And So what does it feel like to allow yourself to take on this self-image of “I am designed to be at the center”? In the center. 

What would you do differently? What becomes clearer about your path in front of you if you had permission to take on this role of being at the center? 


OK. So that's all about Energy Types. Like I said before, there is, you know, there are… the deeper you go into your design and the more areas of your Human Design and your chart that you learn, the more this self-image gets built out, the more you end up like… the the deeper you go the fuller this image of self becomes. 

Yeah. So if you… if it feels of interest to go deeper, you can jump onto the website and download your chart if you haven't already or I have Foundations reports that are available. These are custom reports that go really deep into eight key aspects or eight foundational aspects of your Human Design. 

Well um. Yeah, that's it. So I think the the key take away here is like… maybe a little, actually I'm going to give everyone an exercise that you can do. 

Step one is to evaluate, evaluate; 

“What is the current self-image I have? Who do I currently see myself to be in the world?”

And then Step two is to take whatever I've shared here about your Energy Type and;

“if I allow myself to take on, to add this into my self-image or to lead or create myself image from this understanding, what shifts? What changes? And in particular what action would I take that is different from what I'm doing right now? What actions would I be taking in the world if I believe myself to be this person?"

So Manifestors - if you believe you are here to be the first, what action would you be taking?

Projectors - if you believe that you are here to guide us and not do the doing, what action would you be taking? 

Generators - if you believe that you are here to uplift and magnetize and be the ones to boost our energy by giving it to yourself, giving yourself that joy first, what action would you be taking? 

Manifesting Generators - if you believe that you were here to be unconventional, what action would you be taking?

And finally Reflectors - if you believe that you are here to be at the center of all of your communities and environments, what action would you take? 

OK, so that's your task. I'm going to leave it there and I will be back again next week with another recording and as always, please feel free to send me feedback. Drop me an e-mail, send me a DM and if there's any particular parts of the Human Design practice that you would like to learn more about or hear more about then also, please feel free to let me know and I can do a recording on yeah, on specific requests. 

Okay, sending so much love. Have an amazing week. 



Dive Deeper.


To learn more about your unique chart, our FOUNDATIONS reports - written by Fiona Bicknell - offer more than 100 pages of insight into the foundational elements of your design. One-to-one private chart readings are also available to be booked at the link below.


