Audio episode on the ways in which learning our Human Design can show us who we are at our core and reignite our childhood desires that were present before we picked up outside conditioning.

Audio episode!

by Fiona Bicknell, August 2024.






OK. Hello. Hello. I am going to keep this recording relatively short. This is a brief one and it is a bit of an exercise to work with both the Energy Type and the Profile of your Human Design. 

So if you are not familiar with your Energy type or your Profile then I would suggest that you before listening to this, download your chart which you can do on the website. I will make sure there is a link wherever you are listening to this to get your chart, if you don't already have it. 

So you want to look at your Energy Type and your Profile and then this is going to be a little bit of an exercise in reconnecting or reclaiming some of your childhood dreams or these like childhood, these, these younger parts of self that dreamt of doing things in the world that we may have forgotten or lost touch with or lost connection with or, yeah, for whatever reason may have put to one side at some point in our life. 

And OK, so when you have your chart in front of you or when you have your Energy Type and your Profile in mind, and I'm going to suggest that you either open the notes in your phone, or you have a piece of paper in front of you, and maybe pause here or pause in just a moment when I want to give you the instruction. 

And I'm going to suggest that you have a think about, what were your childhood dreams? Think about going back to the really young years of what are the things that resonated with you in terms of the roles you saw other people take on in the world, the people that you really admired and looked up to, even if they're things that maybe today,are very unrealistic. Maybe as a kid you were like, I'm going to be an astronaut and yeah, maybe, you know, it's not that you're going to go away and start training and join NASA, but maybe there's something in that desire and in that, OK. “Why was that so admirable to me? Why was that something that spoke to me so strongly? Why was that something that I really connected with? The idea of being a person in the world who what?” Like, what did it represent for you? So going back to your really young years - what was it that you looked up to? What did you find inspirational and who were the people, what were the roles, or even the characters in films, that really stood out to you when you were younger? 

And I'm just going to suggest taking 10 minutes here of journaling on or creating a list of all of these childhood hopes, dreams, desires, inspirations from when you were very young - I’m thinking preteen, and then I'm going to suggest to go into your teenage years and look at what was added to this in your teenage years. 

What came a little perhaps a little later in life when you began to learn more about who you are and your place in the world, and is there anything there that really got sparked once you began to kind of see yourself as a person in the world and understand your connection to everything around you? What felt most exciting and in particular, here I want to suggest paying attention to films that really resonated with you, anyone in the public space that you felt you really connected to, songs, musicians, artists, any character, any person, any role that felt as though it touched on something for you that was a part of self being activated. Like “Ohh I can see myself in them and it feels exciting or it feels expansive to consider myself as someone who could go on to do what this person here has done or this character in this film has created for themselves”.

And once again, it doesn't have to necessarily be, “I'm going to go and do that exact thing”. The intention of this exercise is not to trip us up to look at things and believing it's not, you know, the ego mind not letting us believe that it's possible, more so like let's just get a picture of what it is that we really resonated with when we were younger. 

And then we'll do some investigating into the why. Why does that stand out? And it might not be that I'm here to take on that exact role, but there's something represented in the way that I see that role in the world that speaks to something in me. I hope I'm making sense. 

Yeah. So I'm going to suggest you pause this recording here and either you take notes on your phone or you write down on a piece of paper, or if you're not in a position to do that right now, that this is something you come back to later and just yeah, remind yourself of all of these things from your younger years that really spoke to you and resonated with you.



And now if you've got that list in front of you, I am going to run through a top line of each of the Energy Types and the role that they're here to play in the world. And then I'm going to run through a top line of each of the numbers from the Profile - we actually call these lines. So for each Profile line I will run through and the key strengths that they offer. 

So the Energy Type is the place to start when you're learning your design. You start with the Energy Type. This gives us insight into the the kind of makeup of energy within our system, the way that the energy of our body is designed, the the fundamentals, let's say, of your operating system. 

We have 5 different Energy Types in Human Design and we all are designed, each of those five types is designed to move through the world in a slightly different way. And what that does is the design of our energy gives us these kind of broad general roles that we're here to take on within the collective. 

And and no two, you know, even if two people have the same Energy Type, how they fulfill that role is going to be incredibly unique to each person based on all of the other aspects of your design. And Human Design is incredibly, incredibly detailed. And so just because, like I’m a Manifestor and some of my closest friends are also Manifestors, we're going to do different things in the world, but we might fit into this general, kind of broad role based on having an Energy Type of a Manifestor. 

So I'm going to go through each Energy Type to start with and just the broad role that they're here to play. And I want you to hold this list that you've created in front of you and just listen to these these key pointers of your Energy Type and and just see where there might be connection points. See where there might be any resonance between these things that you gravitated towards or the roles that you gravitated towards when you were younger, before all of your conditioning came into play before you took on all of this responsibility of how “I should live my life”. And yes, see if there's any resonance between those parts of self and what it is that the Human Design system has to offer us in terms of guidance. 

00:07:51 - MANIFESTORS

So beginning with Manifestors. 

If you are a Manifestor, you are here to initiate. You are here to be big. You are here to be bold. You are here to be someone who is very full in their energy, who is unapologetic in the way that you move through the world. And you are here to initiate us into new ways of seeing the world initiate us into new ways of being in the world and initiate us into change, help spark people to find the courage to create change. 

And the way you do this is through being independent, embracing freedom and being unafraid to be the first being unafraid to be the person that really uses their voice in their own unique way, that says the thing that maybe some people are ready to hear and others might not be, but it it is like, Manifestors are designed a little bit to kind of lead the charge. 

And and it doesn't mean that you become responsible for other people, or you're responsible for change in others. It's just that your energy offers this kind of initiating talent, gift, strength, skill and yeah, so you're here to be the first. You're here to be bold. Are here to be very courageous in your energy. You're here to embrace freedom, independence, to do things your way and to initiate change. 

00:09:19 - PROJECTORS

For the Projectors you are here to be our guides. Projectors have this unique ability to be able to really tune in to other people's energy and understand what others need in a way that comes from a felt sense. It's a feeling into the energy of others and understanding what is required to take them from point A to point B. 

So if the Manifestors initiate us into change, the Projectors facilitate that change, they guide us. 

And and Projectors are really designed to guide upon that which you find fascinating. Whatever it is that you want to go deep on, whatever it is that you feel like, you can't quite get enough of. You just want to absorb more and more and more and more and more of this thing or this topic or this area of life. 

That is where you're here to guide us. And it might be that you're here to guide an individual through something or a group of people through something. Or you're here to guide partnerships or you're here to guide the collective as a whole. It's going to look different for every Projector, and it's it doesn't have to be just one of those things either. 

But you are here to play the role of guide, to show us the how of moving from point A to point B. 

00:10:36 - GENERATORS

Then for the Generators, the Generators are our energizers. The Generators are the ones that bring things to life. These are the ones that make things happen. Get things off the ground. Generators have this like incredible ability to do the doing, to to get things done, to make things happen, to see things through to fruition. 

And their way of doing it is through this uplifting energy that creates magnetism, and makes others around them want to get on board to be a part of what it is that they're creating so that we they can facilitate this kind of collaborative effort to get things done. That when you follow your joy - first and foremost, Generators are designed to follow their joy - and when they do follow their joy, they have this incredible energy to bring things to life, to make things manifest, to do the doing and that they will, they will encourage others to come along for the ride and support them in that journey when they embrace their joy. 


For the Manifesting Generators, everything I've just shared about the Generators is relevant for yourselves as well. But there is a fieriness to a Manifesting Generator’s path. So I would suggest as a Manifesting Generator, take a listen to the the notes on the Manifestor, and take a listen to the notes on the Generator. Understand that your energy is driven by Generator energy. You are driven by following your joy. You are driven by being someone who is here to make things happen in the world. To bring things to life. But you will have a bit of this fiery Manifestor independence and need for freedom as a part of it. 

And so it's the Generator energy of being lit up and being someone to make things manifest in the world that is the basis of your energy and your your role, and the way in which you do it will be through this kind of independent, freedom seeking, carving your own path kind of approach. 

00:12:53 - REFLECTORS

OK. And then the Reflectors, the Reflectors are only 1% of the population and the Reflectors are here to be at the center. To be at the center of their communities, to be at the center of their workplaces, to be at the center of their families of wherever, whatever environment is that it is that you find yourself in. 

As a Reflector, you are designed to take on the role of being the person that operates at the center and reflects back to us well, like how we're doing, how we're going, where we're succeeding, where we might need a little extra support, where we might need some help or and and also reflecting back to us like where we are, where we need some celebration like where we need to maybe praise ourselves, where we are getting it right, where we are doing things well, where we are progressing. 

And so, Reflectors have this real ability to be able to offer feedback in a way that is received, that feels non judgmental. And so their role is really to to be the mirror for us all. To let us know how we're all doing. And so, if you are a Reflector, you are designed to be at the center of your communities and to be able to mirror back to us our progress. 


OK. And then I am now going to run through the six lines of the Profile. So the Profile and comes from the position of the sun in your chart, both your conscious son and your unconscious sun. So if you are looking at your chart, you will notice on either side of the chart there are two columns. 

And these columns have all the planetary symbols and each planetary symbol has a number next to it. 

At the very top of each column you will see a symbol for the sun - on one side there will be one number. On the other side there will be another number, so each symbol for the sun has a number next to it. And this is the position of the sky where the sun was placed at those two points in time. And each of those numbers will have a decimal place, and that decimal place will be between the numbers one and six. 

And you will notice that your Profile of your chart is made-up of those two decimals. And we call these lines. This originates from the I-Ching that for each gate in Human Design, or for each hexagram of the I-Ching, there are 6 lines. And each line carries a different kind of energy. 

Your Profile is pulled from the position of the sun in the chart because the sun is said to be where we hold our greatest strength. That is where there is the greatest amount of light, the greatest illumination, and therefore, the greatest amount of energy. 

So the profile is those two decimal places from the position of the sun. And therefore each of us will have a profile that is made-up of two numbers between one and six. 

There are 12 possible outcomes here based on which order those numbers are in and each, like I said, each line carries a different energy, which lends to a different strength. 

So I'm now just going to run through, from one to six, the strengths that are associated with each line. And so I want you once again have this list in front of you of all of these roles that stood out to you when you were younger or resonated with you when you were younger. And once again, listening now to the strengths that you carry within your energy, based on your Profile and look for any connects. 

00:16:39 - LINE ONE

So the Line One is all about having a curious mind. This is having a mind that is investigative. This is wanting to go deep on things, wanting to go down rabbit holes on things, really enjoying the process of research. And these people that have a Line One in their chart are designed to be the experts among us. And it doesn't have to be just one thing. It can be multiple things. You might go through different phases where you build expertise on various areas. 

And it doesn't mean that someone without a Line One can't become an expert. It's, you know, that's all it's available to all of us. But for those with the Line One, your strength can be found in this curiosity that you have this seeking to go deep. And it does lend to having an ability to, to hold a very vast amount of knowledge in the mind. And what it does is it creates a real foundation to build your confidence and strength. 

So the Line One is all about curiosity, investigation and expertise. 

00:17:39 - LINE TWO

The Line Two. 

The Line Two is often referred to as the hermit genius - is some of the language that you might see used around this. The Line Two is all about an energy that is something that flows through you with so much ease that it creates a talent that no one needs to teach you. It's just there and it's available. 

And this is why it gets the the label of genius. It is something that just exists within you that flows out of you with so much ease that you actually might not even place value upon it. You might not even realize that it is a talent that you have to offer, because there's just an expectation sometimes that everyone can do this because it is so easy. Surely, like it's available to everyone, right? Because no one taught me how to do it, so therefore everyone must just know how to do it. 

But that is actually your superpower. Whatever comes most naturally to you, whatever is there and available, and it doesn't mean that you don't need practice. That mastery can come through practice, but the the talent is there and available without it having to be taught. 

00:18:48 - LINE THREE

OK, the Line Three. 

If you have a Line Three, you operate through a process of trial and error. These are the people that have the ability to just do the thing, to take risks, to not have to sit and wait for all their ducks to be in a row before they hit play on something. But they have this innate understanding that progress is created for them through action, through just doing and learning, doing and learning, trying and failing, and pivoting and trying again and failing again and pivoting again. 

And so those with the Three in the chart move through this process of trial and error, their way to learn is through experience, not through someone telling them how they should do something. 

00:19:32 - LINE FOUR

OK, the Line Four is all about connectivity, connection and networking and this is all about community building. This is all about working through community. This is all about your ideas, your your opportunities and your creativity being sparked, well, from being in connection. And yes, it is true that we all need connection and all of those things are made available to all of us through connect. 

But for the Line Four, this is heightened. You are here to be a connector. Someone who facilitates connection, and someone who plays the role of the connector. And don't be afraid of that word, networker. There's nothing icky about it. It is, when you're in alignment, a very heart centered approach to connection that will flow very naturally for you. And yeah, connection, community, creating connection, being the one that brings people together, may just be a big part of your role in the world. 

00:20:36 - LINE FIVE

The Line Five. 

The Line Five is a very strong leadership energy. These are the people that they have the ability to solve problems. To bring the solution in the moment that is required. Oftentimes in situations of chaos. They are the ones that have the ability to hold it together for others. 

So it might be that you find yourself naturally in positions of leadership, or you find people in life turn to you for the answers because you have this and the ability to be able to offer the fix in a way that is delivered with enough calmness and authority that there is a lot of trust in your guidance. 

And yeah. And this operates through expectation. So it may be that you have people come to expect you to take on this role. And sometimes that works for you, and sometimes it works against you. Part of the lesson in having a Line Five is to come to identify when that expectation is offering me progress and when that expectation is holding me back. 

But as a Line Five, you are here to provide us with solutions. 


And then finally the Line Six.

The Line Six is all about the energy of wisdom. It's the energy of wisdom and mastery. It is being someone in the world who offers the kind of guidance that might be received in a way that others are like, “Oh, this person has figured something out. This person knows something that kind of is beyond the intellectual mind.” They have an understanding that is like a deeper understanding of the way things work or how it is to approach something and get the outcome that we want.

It is all through being a role model. And so if you have a Line Six then you are someone who is here to be a role model. And so once again it is a leadership energy, but it is much more of a and receptive leadership style. It is by, it is through the way you lead your own life that you become a leader to others, you become a role model for others. 

By leaning on this wisdom and this intuitive kind of knowing or understanding that comes from beyond the intellect. 


So that is it. That is the very top line of the Energy Types and the Profile Lines and yeah, so I hope that maybe there's something sparked there for you in reconnecting back to parts of self that may have been forgotten somewhere along the way in life and yeah. And if you want to go deeper then both the Energy Type and the Profile, along with some other fundamental aspects of Human Design, are covered in-depth with integration guidance in the FOUNDATIONS reports that you can find on the website. 

And or. Yeah, there's still a few spots open for readings for the remainder of the month, if you wanted to go even deeper into your chart. And yeah, and if you have any questions that have popped up as a result of listening to this, please feel free to drop me a note, e-mail, dm. I'm always open to questions and offering insights. And yeah, any feedback is always welcome. 

So, I hope this was of use in some capacity. I'm sending you so much love and I will be back with another recording next week. 



Dive Deeper.


To learn more about your unique chart, our FOUNDATIONS reports - written by Fiona Bicknell - offer more than 100 pages of insight into the foundational elements of your design. One-to-one private chart readings are also available to be booked at the link below.


