We all do it. Fall prey to our subconscious, engaging in behaviors that seem to keep us from the very thing we desire most. Oftentimes, it is something we know, deep down, we are totally capable of achieving, something we know will bring us great fulfillment. And yet, somehow it escapes us. 

Read on below for some of the patterns of self sabotage we may be prone to based on our Energy Type. 

by Fiona Bicknell, June 2024.




Shrinking your energy and not acting on your power for fear of causing others discomfort.


Manifestors are here to be big. To be bold. To use their initiating energy to drive the collective forward into new territory. For most of us, change is uncomfortable. But it is necessary for our growth. Whether conscious of it or not, your Manifestor energy, when in alignment, will initiate others. Sometimes people are ready for change, other times, it is the last thing they want. Your role is not to shape shift around your connections based on their readiness. Your role is to be big, to be unafraid of initiating, and to leave it to the other to decide what they want to do with that energy. 

You will create discomfort for those around you when you unapologetically follow your path (as you are designed to).  It’s just the nature of your energetic make up. This is intentional. The self sabotage here shows up when you sense that others might not be ready for your bigness and so you shrink to create comfort, to meet others where they are at. This is your permission slip (and your order ;) to stop doing that. Every time you hold back, you slow your growth. Every time you bring your energy down you stagnate all the momentum that is trying to carry you forward. Enough. Time to get comfortable with the discomfort. 




Directing your effort and energy toward the ‘wrong’ people, seeking recognition where you are not seen or valued as you deserve to be. 


To fully access and offer their powerful gifts in the most impactful way, Projectors need to be recognized and invited to share. As such, Projectors carry within them a heightened need, greater than the average, to be seen, understood, and recognized. It is a deep knowing in the body that it is through recognition that fulfillment is found - as the recognition leads to then being able to share your unique view and guidance. Offering guidance puts you in your element, creates the feeling of success that Projector energy is always seeking. 

As a result of our conditioned minds and our Capitalistic world view built upon hierarchy, Projectors can fall prone to the mind believing the recognition they so deeply crave must come from particular individuals in order to create success. This is the greatest trap to your self-belief and emotional well being. You don’t get to choose who sees you. And even those who you desire recognition from, are more likely to ‘see’ you and to recognize your value, when you stop trying to show them. 

If you are feeling stuck, or as though ‘success’ is escaping you, do a stocktake of the people who your energy is being given to. Who are those who truly see and value you? And who are those that are receiving your energy because your mind believes you need to make them see? 




Getting stuck in the loop of  trying to ‘figure it all out’ in the mind. 


As a Generator you are here to be driven by your Strategy ‘to respond’. You are designed to live in a forever dialogue with the world and the energy around you (as we all are to a certain extent, but in the most heightened way for our Sacral beings). Think of this as living a real life ‘choose your own adventure’. The next step will always be presented to you when action is taken. The path becomes clear as you walk it. 

The self sabotage here creeps in when this dialogue with the outside world is dropped. With the heavy emphasis our collective places up on the intellect, Generators can easily fall into the trap of feeling as though they need to take some time to ‘sit down and figure it out’. I hear these words on repeat from Generators. The trap is, that every time you sit down and focus on the intellect, you isolate yourself from all the guidance around you and lose the connection with your Sacral energy - the energy that is working hard to show you the way. The more you sink into the mental strategizing, the more stuck you are likely to feel.

To break this loop, the next time clarity escapes you, commit to responding to whatever it is that is right in front of you as that moment - whatever it is that lights you up the most. It might be as simple as a walk with a friend or saying yes to an opportunity to connect with others. Practice allowing the clarity to arrive through these experiences. Can you allow yourself to trust what is shown to you (even if its only part of the picture) when you are in connection with the world around you? Learn to take action, even when you don’t know what it will lead to. 




Getting lost in their ‘busy’ energy. 


The Manifesting Generators among us love to be doing all the things. Their fiery, strong energy wants to know what’s ahead, wants to know it has somewhere or something to be channeled into at all times. In alignment, Manifesting Generators have a lot of energy and it all needs somewhere to go.  

This creates an internal satisfaction in being busy. It will feel great in the body to always have something to do, somewhere to be. The cycle of self sabotage we see here, is when the Manifesting Generator allows themself to be busy with things that aren’t actually effectively moving them forward. This is being busy for the sake of it. Filling time with ineffective tasks to satisfy the internal need for busyness and tricking the mind into feeling productive. 

This is often a result of lacking clear guidance on where it is your energy wants to go - not having clarity on what is the ‘best’ use of your energy, so the mind tries to decide, rather than letting your Strategy lead you. In the moments where you jump to fill your time from the mind, practice catching yourself. Can you leave the space open for your Strategy to guide you? If the time is filled, nothing new can come through. This, ultimately, slows progress. When you have the faith to leave the space open, notice what arrives for you to respond to. 




Soothing fears of their endless fluidity by attaching to another’s identity.


With all Energy Centers undefined, the Reflector’s energy is forever in flux. There is nothing about the Reflector chart that is fixed, or that feels solid and reliable in the system. This fluidity can take some practice to build trust in. As a result, we often see in Reflectors a shadow of seeking a fixed sense of self in another. 

Take note of those in your life you are closely connected to. Which parts of them might be held in your mind as aspects of identity that are shared? Which parts of the other you see in yourself? Now explore whether these could possibly be identifiers that you are clinging to in order to create a sense of security or belonging. 

The way this leads to self sabotage is that a Reflector may not see, or may even outright turn down, opportunities that are aligned for them because it does not fit with the person they see themselves to be. Yet the identity of a Reflector is never fixed. It will forever be evolving. Each opportunity that present for a Reflector along their path may require a different version of self. If you are clinging to aspects of identity in another - whether consciously or unconsciously - you are potentially keeping yourself stuck in the same role, preventing your own growth. 



Dive Deeper.


To learn more about your unique chart, our FOUNDATIONS reports - written by Fiona Bicknell - offer more than 100 pages of insight into the foundational elements of your design. One-to-one private chart readings are also available to be booked at the link below.


